The Lion and the mouse - Moral Stories

Mouse playing on Lion

One day, a lion was sleeping peacefully in the jungle. He was the king of the animals and he felt very proud of himself. He did not care about anyone else and he often bullied the weaker animals.

A little mouse was looking for food nearby. He saw the lion's tail and thought it was a rope. He decided to play with it and started to nibble on it. The lion woke up and roared angrily. He caught the mouse in his paw and said, "How dare you disturb my sleep, you tiny creature? I will crush you and eat you for breakfast!"

The mouse was terrified and begged for mercy. He said, "Please spare me, your majesty. I did not mean to offend you. I was just playing and I did not know it was your tail. Please let me go and I will be grateful to you forever. Maybe one day I can help you in return."

The lion laughed and said, "You help me? How can a small mouse like you help a mighty lion like me? You are nothing but a snack for me. But I am feeling generous today, so I will let you go. But don't ever come near me again or I will not spare you."

The mouse thanked the lion and ran away as fast as he could. He was glad that he escaped from the lion's clutches.

Mouse saw lion in net

A few days later, the lion was hunting for food in the jungle. He saw a deer and chased after it. But he did not notice that there was a hunter nearby who had set a trap for him. The lion stepped on the trap and got caught in a net. He struggled to free himself but he could not. He roared loudly and hoped that someone would come to help him.

The mouse heard the lion's roar and recognized his voice. He remembered how the lion had spared his life and decided to help him. He ran towards the net and saw the lion trapped inside. He said, "Don't worry, your majesty. I am here to help you. You were kind to me once and now I will repay your kindness."

The lion was surprised to see the mouse and said, "You? How can you help me? You are too small and weak to do anything."

The mouse said, "Don't underestimate me, your majesty. I may be small but I have sharp teeth. I can gnaw through this net and set you free."

Mouse started bitting the net
Mouse bitting the net and freeing out the Lion

The mouse started to bite the net with his teeth. He worked hard and fast until he made a hole in the net big enough for the lion to escape.

The lion thanked the mouse and said, "You have saved my life, little friend. You are brave and clever. I was wrong to judge you by your size. You have proved that even a small mouse can help a big lion."

The mouse said, "You are welcome, your majesty. You have also proved that even a big lion can be kind and humble."

They became friends and lived happily in the jungle.

Moral: No one is too small or too big to help others. We should respect everyone regardless of their size or strength.


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