The kind girl - Moral Story

Anjali was a poor girl who lived in a slum with her mother. Her father had died when she was young, and her mother worked as a maid in a rich house. Anjali helped her mother with the household chores and also went to school. She was a bright and cheerful girl who loved to learn and make friends. She was also very kind and compassionate, and always helped those in need.

One day, as she was walking back from school, she saw a small puppy lying on the roadside. It was dirty and skinny, and had a wound on its leg. It looked weak and hungry, and was shivering in the cold. Anjali felt sorry for the puppy and decided to help it.

She picked up the puppy and wrapped it in her scarf. She then took it to a nearby shop and bought some milk and bread for it. She fed the puppy and cleaned its wound with some water. She then cuddled it and spoke to it softly.

"Don't worry, little one," she said. "I'll take care of you. You'll be fine."

The puppy licked her hand and wagged its tail. It felt happy and safe with Anjali.

Anjali took the puppy home and showed it to her mother.

"Look, Ma," she said. "I found this puppy on the road. It was hurt and hungry. Can we keep it?"

Her mother looked at the puppy and smiled.

"Of course, we can," she said. "You have done a good deed, my child. You have saved a life. God will bless you for your kindness."

Anjali hugged her mother and thanked her.

"Thank you, Ma," she said. "You are the best."

She then named the puppy Raja and made a bed for it in a corner of their hut. She played with it and took care of it every day. She also taught it some tricks and commands.

Raja grew up to be a healthy and happy dog. He loved Anjali and followed her everywhere. He was loyal and faithful, and protected her from any harm.

Anjali and Raja became the best of friends, and shared everything with each other.

They lived happily ever after in their slum, always remembering that kindness is the greatest virtue.



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