The Honest Farmer - Moral Story

Rajesh was a poor farmer who lived in a village with his wife and two children. He worked hard on his small piece of land to grow crops and feed his family. He was honest and faithful, and never cheated anyone.

One day, as he was plowing his field, he found a metal pot buried in the ground. He dug it out and opened it. To his surprise, he saw that it was full of gold coins. He could not believe his eyes. He had never seen so much money in his life.

He thought to himself, "This must be a gift from God. He has rewarded me for my honesty and hard work. With this money, I can buy more land, more seeds, more cattle, and more clothes for my family. I can also help the poor and needy in my village. I am the luckiest man in the world."

He was about to take the pot home, when he heard a voice behind him. He turned around and saw an old man standing there. The old man had a long beard and a staff in his hand. He looked wise and noble.

"Who are you?" Rajesh asked.

"I am the owner of this pot," the old man said. "I buried it here many years ago, when I was young and rich. I wanted to hide it from the greedy and wicked people who wanted to rob me. But then I realized that money is not everything in life. It cannot buy happiness or peace of mind. It only brings trouble and misery. So I decided to leave it here and go away. I renounced the world and became a hermit. I have been wandering around ever since, seeking God and truth."

Rajesh was amazed by the old man's story. He felt sorry for him and respected him.

"Then this pot belongs to you," Rajesh said. "You can take it back. I don't want it."

The old man smiled and shook his head.

"No, my son," he said. "I don't want it either. I have given up all attachment to worldly things. I have no use for this money. It is yours now. You can keep it."

Rajesh was confused. He did not know what to do.

"But why did you give it to me?" he asked.

"Because you are honest," the old man said. "You did not lie or steal or cheat anyone. You worked hard and lived simply. You deserve this money more than anyone else."

Rajesh was touched by the old man's words. He felt grateful and humble.

"Thank you, sir," he said. "But I cannot accept this money without giving you something in return."

The old man thought for a moment.

"Well, there is one thing you can give me," he said.

"What is it?" Rajesh asked.

"Your honesty," the old man said.

Rajesh was puzzled.

"My honesty?" he repeated.

"Yes," the old man said. "Promise me that you will always be honest, no matter what happens. Promise me that you will never lie or steal or cheat anyone, even if you are tempted by money or power or fame. Promise me that you will always follow your conscience and do what is right."

Rajesh nodded.

"I promise," he said.

The old man smiled and blessed him.

"Then you have given me the most precious thing in the world," he said. "You have given me your honesty."

He then disappeared into thin air, leaving Rajesh alone with the pot of gold.

Rajesh realized that he had met a divine being who had tested his honesty and integrity.

He thanked God for his blessing and took the pot home.

He shared the money with his family and friends, and used it wisely and generously.

He remained honest and faithful all his life, and never forgot his promise to the old man.

He lived happily ever after with his family in his village, always remembering that honesty is the best policy.



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