A Moral Story about Kindness - The Kind Stranger

Ravi was a poor boy who lived with his mother in a small hut. He worked as a helper in a grocery shop to earn some money for their daily needs. One day, as he was returning home from work, he saw a man lying on the road. The man looked sick and weak, and he had no clothes or belongings with him.

Ravi felt sorry for the man and decided to help him. He took off his own shirt and wrapped it around the man. He also gave him some water and biscuits that he had bought for himself. He asked the man if he had any family or friends, but the man said he was alone in the world.

Ravi decided to take the man to his hut and let him stay there until he got better. He told his mother about the man and she agreed to let him in. They gave him some food and a blanket to sleep on. The man thanked them for their kindness and said he would never forget what they did for him.

The next day, Ravi went to work as usual, but he was worried about the man. He wondered if he was feeling better or worse. He hoped that he would recover soon and find a better life for himself. He also hoped that his kindness would be rewarded someday.

When he came back from work, he was shocked to see that his hut was gone. There was nothing left but ashes and rubble. He ran to the spot where his hut used to be and cried out for his mother and the man. He feared that they had died in a fire or been attacked by robbers.

As he was sobbing, he heard a voice behind him. He turned around and saw the man standing there, smiling at him. He was wearing a fine suit and holding a briefcase. He looked healthy and wealthy.

"Who are you?" Ravi asked, confused.

"I am the man you helped yesterday," the man said. "But I am not an ordinary man. I am an angel sent by God to test your kindness."

Ravi was stunned. He could not believe what he was hearing.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

The man explained that he had come to earth in disguise to see how people would treat him. He said that most people ignored him or abused him, but Ravi was the only one who showed him compassion and generosity.

"Because of your kindness, God has decided to reward you," the man said. "He has given me the power to grant you any wish you want."

Ravi could not believe his ears. He had a chance to ask for anything he wanted.

"What do you want, Ravi?" the man asked.

Ravi thought for a moment. He could ask for money, fame, or power. He could ask for a new house, a new job, or a new life. But then he remembered his mother, who had taught him to be kind and humble. He remembered how she had welcomed the stranger into their home without hesitation.

He looked at the man and said, "I don't want anything for myself. I only want my mother back."

The man smiled and nodded. He snapped his fingers and suddenly Ravi saw his mother standing next to him. She hugged him and kissed him, tears of joy in her eyes.

"Ravi, my son, I'm so happy to see you!" she said.

"Mother, I'm so happy to see you too!" Ravi said.

They looked around and saw that their hut had been restored as well. It was bigger and better than before, with new furniture and appliances.

The man said, "This is your new home, Ravi. God has blessed you with abundance and happiness."

Ravi thanked the man and God for their kindness. He realized that kindness is the greatest virtue of all, and that it always comes back to you in unexpected ways.

He lived happily ever after with his mother in their new home, always remembering to be kind to everyone he met.

The end.


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